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6608: Survey of Current Management of Orthopaedic Complications in Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Patients

Who this Study is for:

Orthopedic surgeons who usually perform surgical procedures for foot deformities on individuals with CMT attending centers participating in the INC.

Study Summary

Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) disease is the most common inherited peripheral neuropathy. Foot deformities are common complications in people with CMT and orthopedic surgery is often needed. The purpose of this study is to understand the current surgical approach to orthopedic complications in patients with CMT.

Approximately 45 orthopedic surgeons who perform surgical procedures for foot deformities on CMT patients attending centers participating in the Inherited Neuropathies Consortium (INC) will be asked to complete a survey.


Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) Disease is a group of genetic nerve disorders.

Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) disease is an umbrella term that covers any inherited peripheral neuropathies. People with CMT have a problem with the nerves that go to the feet and hands that cause muscle and sensation loss, as well as difficulty with balance. People with CMT have frequent foot deformities (e.g., claw toes, high arches, inturned feet). Some people may need operations to correct these foot deformities. Operations are usually needed if the pain cannot be helped by the use of orthotics and by physical therapy. Currently, there are no universal guidelines about the type of surgery, and the management may vary in different centers and in different countries.

The aim of the survey is to determine how the surgical management of foot deformities related to CMT varies among different specialized centers.

About this Study

This study involves the completion of one survey by orthopedic surgeons who usually perform surgical procedures for foot deformities on individuals with CMT attending centers participating in the INC.

The survey will be completed once. The survey includes two different case scenarios of typical CMT patients (one adult and one child). The orthopedic surgeon will be asked which type of operation would do on each case scenario.

Targeted Enrollment

Who will participate:

  • Orthopedic surgeons who perform operations on foot deformities in individuals with CMT who attend centers participating in the INC and are willing to complete the study survey.

You are not eligible to participate if:

  • You do not read or speak English and
  • You are not able to provide informed consent

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